Over the years working at the Chamber, you meet a lot of interesting people. I’ve’ had the opportunity to hear interesting stories, met high ranked officials, helped businesses prosper and grow, learned of new companies moving to the area, and been involved in upcoming projects. The people I have met really made me realize that we are all looking for the same thing. It is the opportunity to have a great career, put family first, live for the weekends, celebrate religious beliefs, take an awesome vacation, and enjoy our golden years.
As I said before, I have met lots of interesting people but one Leroy Fagg, aka “Papa Smurf” never met a stranger, helped with non-profit volunteer work, always willing to help others, hurricane relief efforts, but most of all greeted you with a big smile, hug, and a kiss. He recently lost his battle with COVID-19 but was very active in every aspect of the Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce, the region, and especially in the Contractor’s Business Development Group. There are so many lives that have been taken way to early from this disease. “Everywhere he went, every room he entered, he brightened tremendously and left people feeling better than before he arrived. Everyone who was his friend, he made them feel like they were his best friend!”- Rick Danna. “If you knew Leroy, he was your friend. A shining light has left us.” -Travis Woods. “Oh, so bright your star shined Leroy! You are missed.” Pat Avery.
We salute you and our hearts go out to all those who have lost love one’s way to early and never had an opportunity to say goodbye.
Paige Snyder, IOM
Membership Director
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01/31/25 | Golden Triangle Days in Austin 2025 Legislative Agenda |
01/30/25 | We do BUSINESS! |
12/30/24 | Support |
08/05/24 | 2024 Industry Show Magazine FlipBook |