Port Arthur’s Legislative Committee and a Word from our Chair, Mrs. Tonya Moses
It has been my pleasure to work with the Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce (GPACOC) Legislative Committee this year. The GPACOC Legislative Committee members are Tonya Moses, Chair and Ron Arceneaux, Transportation and Infrastructure, Stuart Salter, Insurance and General Business, John Johnson, Economic Development/Research, and me.
We spent at least six weeks meeting with every aspect of our community to ensure that we understood all the relevant and important issue in our community. The payoff has been the most comprehensive and thorough legislative agenda that I have seen in my 26 years of living and working in the Golden Triangle area. For the first time, I feel like I fully understand the value that the Golden Triangle area brings to the State of Texas as well as to our nation. Port Arthur and Sabine Pass represents a very significant piece of this industrial economic growth, development, and expansions.
I have asked our Committee Chair, Mrs. Moses to summarize our legislative work for the 87th Legislative session for you. It is important that we hear this information over and over again, so that we can articulate it to our legislators every chance that we get.
Pat Avery
In business, there are certain factors that affect our ability to be successful. An excellent education, drive and experience can all shape our abilities; however, many factors are out of our hands such as the current COVID pandemic. Another aspect that heavily influences our ability to be successful is government. From regulation, employment laws, transportation and infrastructure to taxation. In Texas, our legislature meets biennially, and 2021 marks our 87th session, currently being held in Austin. Every two years just prior to the convening of our legislature, the Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce sits down with our local businesses to assess their needs and get to the crux of just what our government can do to improve the business climate in our area.
The Port Arthur area is on the verge of economic rebirth with a vast number of expansion projects, both currently underway and in the developmental or permitting phases. Our meetings with local business leaders quickly revealed that our state and federal government are going to play a critical role in the success of these projects. Without governmental help and support, we will be unable to fully benefit from current growth or have our expanded economy reach its potential.
Knowing that governmental support was critical and considering the size of the investment that would be required by the state in particular, I was concerned. The pandemic hurt the worldwide economy, including our Texas. The state’s resources are understandably strained. There will be little discretionary money in the budget to spend on additional projects this session. In order to get the support we so desperately need, it was going to be incumbent upon our area to show the state we are an excellent investment. In fact, with proper support, the state will enable Port Arthur and our industry and resources to be an integral part of rebuilding the post COVID economy both here in Texas and beyond. However, in order to garner that type of support, we must prove to the state we are worthy of their investment. Specifically we must prove a “Return On Investment” of their dollars allocated to our area. The further benefit of this type of documentation is the ability to move many of our requests from the “budgeting” side of the allocation over to the “investment” side of the state’s budget. This simple accounting maneuver has the ability to open up substantial funding for our area projects.
Key Facts:
1. Home to the largest single refinery in the US.
2. Home to the largest methanol facility in the US.
3. Home to four major refineries, with a total throughput capacity of 1.671 MM barrels per day, 8.8 percent of 2019 US refining capacity, but importantly 13 percent of transportation fuels-gasoline, diesel and jet fuel per the Energy Information Agency (EIA).
4. Home to over 35 chemical and petrochemical facilities.
5. Home to the largest single owner crude terminal in the US, as well as one of the largest single owner refined products and transportation fuels terminals.
6. Home to the Dept. of Energy Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) intake facility for both the Big Hill and West Hackberry storage facilities, which account for 57% of the nation’s crude oil strategic reserve, approximately 400 MM barrels.
7. Home to the largest LNG exporter in the US, with two additional major facilities either being converted to export capability are under construction.
8. The Sabine-Neches Waterway is the # 1 liquid bulk cargo waterway in the US.
9. The area is an Origin for 3 major petroleum products pipelines; supplying by pipeline the entire eastern and mid-continental US (except New England) with transportation and home heating fuels.
Key Data:
In short, we have a rare opportunity for Southeast Texas to become a critical part of our state and national reemergence from the COVID era economy. To do that we will need the support of the state and our legislature. Together we can help ensure Texas’ future is diverse and successful.
- Tonya Moses
Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce
Legislative Committee Chairperson
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