The Texas summer has heated up the Gulf Coast weather and the LNG and refinery projects are heating up the Gulf Coast economy. With Motiva announcing a big expansion, Golden Pass LNG receiving their final permits, Sempra LNG making final plans to begin and Total committing to a new Cracking Unit the construction jobs are continuing to become our future for the next 5 – 7 years. Each of these projects are working on programs to include local contractors and employees. The total number of construction jobs for these projects will exceed 10,000. Each company will be working to employ as many Port Arthur area citizens as possible.
At the July meeting of the Regional Economic Development Initiative (REDI) the board reviewed 67 industrial projects that are looking at the area. These are companies that have ask for and received a proposal from one of the REDI member cities or organizations. Of these projects 6 are on hold, 9 have been have been announced and the rest are active. The possible new investment is 59 billion dollars with projected new permanent jobs of 22 thousand. Construction jobs are many times that number.
The Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce is committed to involving our local contractors in these projects. To assist in that goal, CB&I, the EPC contractor for the Total Ethylene Project. is working with the Greater Port Arthur Chamber, Port Arthur EDC and area contractor groups to attract and assist local contractors in securing a spot at the table for the Total project. While the exact date of the meeting is not yet set, a planning session was held in August. Invited to the planning session were, ABC, ISTC, Golden Triangle Business Round Table, Total, Contractors Business Development Group, Digital Workforce Academy Inc., selected area minority contractors, Small Business Assistance Center from Lamar Port Arthur and the City of Port Arthur. As soon as the details for the final meeting are confirmed the above groups and members will be asked to invite area contractors and companies. CB&I and Total are serious about doing everything possible to include local companies in this project. One further detail. There are millions of dollars in products needed by CB&I and their employees. They will need an extensive list of day to day products. Tires, ice, groceries, clothes, gasoline, living quarters (all types) soap, towels, laundry, etc. When we send out invitations we will include members and businesses that can provide those items. All you must do is bring in your information and a list of products. If you are not a member of one of the above organizations, watch Facebook, newspapers and media for notices. The chamber’s goal to is get and keep as much of this project’s money in Port Arthur, Texas as possible.
If this effort, with CB&I and Total is successful the chamber intends to repeat the process with all future projects. The next step is to work with one of these projects in developing a system to identify, train and hire residents.
If you are a member of the Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce and wish to get more information on this project or any project, of the chamber, please call 409-963-1107 or e-mail Bill McCoy at If you would like to become a member of the Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce call that number and ask for Paige Snyder or email her at
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