How to Turn Your Chamber Membership into a Marketing Machine
If you're not leveraging your chamber of commerce membership as a marketing tool, you're missing out on a goldmine of opportunities. Think of your chamber membership not just as a networking tool, but as a powerful marketing engine that can drive traffic, build brand authority, and generate leads. Here’s how to transform that membership into a marketing machine that propels your business forward.
One of the most straightforward ways to get your business in front of the right people is by ensuring your business listing is complete, engaging, and optimized for maximum visibility in the chamber’s directory.
The chamber’s directory is one of the first places potential customers, partners, and even media outlets look when seeking businesses in your area. A well-optimized listing can turn this passive resource into a lead-generating powerhouse.
Chambers are well-connected both online and offline, offering numerous channels for you to amplify your business message. It’s essential to actively participate in these platforms to increase your visibility.
The chamber’s platforms often have a strong local following, meaning that by tapping into them, you’re putting your business directly in front of potential clients and partners who are already engaged and trusting of the chamber.
The chamber organizes a variety of events, and this is where your membership truly becomes a marketing asset. Sponsorship and event hosting are one of the most effective ways to get your brand seen by the right people and to position your business as a leader in the community.
By sponsoring or hosting events, you create opportunities for direct engagement, which translates into trust, recognition, and ultimately, new customers.
As a member of the chamber, your business automatically gains a level of credibility by association. This trust can be leveraged into referrals and testimonials that will become powerful marketing tools.
Referrals and testimonials serve as social proof, and when they come from other respected chamber members, they’re even more impactful. This form of marketing is invaluable because it leverages the power of community trust.
The chamber is home to a wealth of businesses that complement your own. Use this as an opportunity to collaborate and cross-promote to grow your audience and strengthen your local presence.
Collaborating with other local businesses not only helps expand your reach but also fosters a sense of community. These partnerships can lead to long-term marketing benefits for both parties.
Most chamber memberships come with access to exclusive resources, discounts, and tools that can enhance your marketing efforts. These member-only perks can make a significant difference in optimizing your overall strategy.
By leveraging the full range of member benefits, you’ll be able to enhance your marketing initiatives and stretch your budget further, making your chamber membership an even more powerful asset.
To ensure your chamber membership is delivering real results, you need to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Tracking the ROI on your chamber-driven marketing strategies allows you to make data-backed decisions and refine your approach for even greater impact.
By tracking your results, you can fine-tune your marketing approach and maximize the value of your chamber membership as a marketing tool.
Your chamber membership isn’t just a static networking tool; it’s a dynamic marketing engine. By fully embracing the opportunities for visibility, sponsorship, referrals, collaboration, and using member-only benefits, you can turn your chamber membership into a key driver of business growth. The chamber provides you with a unique platform to reach a targeted audience, build local credibility, and foster meaningful connections that can lead to long-term success. Start implementing these strategies today and watch as your chamber membership becomes one of your most powerful marketing assets.
Golden Triangle Days – Legislative Agenda
On January 14, 2025, the 89th Texas Legislature will convene to tackle the state’s greatest challenges and opportunities. Over a five-month period, more than 180 representatives will deliberate on issues important to the approximately thirty-one million residents of the 254 counties that comprise the state of Texas.
The region of Beaumont, Orange, and Port Arthur, Texas, colloquially known as “The Golden Triangle,” has played an outsized role in the Texas and United States economies. The birthplace of the modern oil and gas industry, the Golden Triangle, is still a frontier for innovation, energy security, and trade. The businesses and industries of the two-county region improve quality of life for millions of people around the world and have the ability to move international markets.
On March 3, 2025, The Chambers of Commerce of the Golden Triangle will bring about four hundred members to Austin to tell the Golden Triangle story and advocate on issues important to Southeast Texas in an effort to drive meaningful change.
2024-2025 Legislative Priorities
The legislative priorities for Golden Triangle Days are organized under three key areas:
The three key areas are mutually dependent on each other, and issue priorities may overlap.
Economic Growth
Ports & Waterways
The ports and waterways of Southeast Texas are the backbone of economic development opportunity for Southeast Texas. Sustained growth and improvement to our four ports and federal ship channel is the greatest economic driver to the region.
In 2023, the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) approved $240 million in port funding, $66 million of which was appropriated to four Southeast Texas ports. Recently, the TTC approved a loan to fund $357 million to meet the local project cost share on the Sabine-Neches Navigation District’s (SNND) waterway deepening project.
Southeast Texas is experiencing unprecedented infrastructure growth and improvement due in large part to the efforts of our elected officials. Traffic congestion from roadwork and the increased construction workforce is a near-term frustration for long-term benefit. In light of the great progress that has been made to improve infrastructure in Southeast Texas, more attention is needed in critically challenged regions such as Sabine Pass. Additionally, the dramatic collapse of the Key Bridge in Baltimore Harbor on March 26, 2024, raised concern for the many bridges and overpasses of Southeast Texas. The Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) is currently conducting feasibility studies on alternate route projects and bridges across the two-county area.
Great attention has also been given to coastal protection for the region. Southeast Texas stands to benefit from increasing funding opportunities for the Gulf Coast Protection District and local Drainage Districts to ensure construction, maintenance, and improvements of the levee systems in Southeast Texas.
Economic Incentives
Southeast Texas experienced unprecedented industrial growth from 2012 to 2022, with the siting, construction, and operation of more than $100 billion in large-scale, private capital investments between Jefferson and Orange counties. Economic incentives such as the Chapter 313 tax abatement program that expired at the end of 2023 played a critical role in attracting billions of dollars in investment to Southeast Texas.
The 88th Legislature adopted a replacement for Chapter 313 known as the Jobs, Energy, Technology, and Innovation (JETI) Act. While a replacement was needed, the flaws of the current program have shown over time and Southeast Texas has lost out on billions of potential investments.
Power Supply & Grid Hardening
Entergy Texas has reported a significant increase in electricity demand, noting that it needs to add 40 percent more power generation capacity to its grid in just four years. It plans to add two new power stations to its portfolio to help meet that demand. This addition will support many of our existing industrial sectors and aid in attracting large-scale investments in newer sectors looking for cleaner power generation sources. In order to meet its goals and extend the benefits to the region, it needs efficient regulatory consideration. Additionally, Entergy and its customers would benefit from state support to harden its grid from future weather events and natural disasters.
Additional Priorities
Quality of Life
Water Infrastructure
According to the Texas State Water Plan, Texas must invest more than $153 billion over the next fifty years in new water supply and infrastructure in order to meet the state’s growth in population and increased industry needs. The strain on residential water and wastewater systems is evident in Southeast Texas. A long-term funding strategy is needed to provide relief for existing issues and account for future growth and industrial demand.
Public Education
Public education plays a vital role in the economic development of the region. Strong school systems attract residents, develop a quality workforce, and contribute to the vitality of the community. The lack of state support and prioritization of property tax cuts along with inflation and rising operating costs have created budget deficits in school districts around the state.
Environmental Quality & Natural Resources
Water is one of the most important and precious resources we have in Southeast Texas. We are fortunate to have two River Authorities – the Lower Neches Valley Authority (LNVA) and the Sabine River Authority (SRA) – located in the Golden Triangle. The LNVA and SRA protect water quality, work to maintain affordability, and enhance the economic development of the region through supply to residential, agricultural, and industrial consumers. The Legislature will convene this upcoming year and consider statutory recommendations made by the Sunset Advisory Commission on both River Authorities.
Insurance & Windstorm Insurance Reform
Small businesses and homeowners along the Gulf Coast are disproportionately burdened costs associated with windstorm insurance and a diminished voice at the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA). Although current rates have remained unchanged, Southeast Texas would benefit from continued reforms at TWIA. Furthermore, insurance companies are signaling their intent to shed more risk along the Gulf Coast as they cease writing new homeowner insurance policies in Texas. Higher insurance rates and fewer provider options are squeezing Southeast Texans and consumers across the state.
Additional Priorities
Workforce Development
Higher Education
The Golden Triangle is home to four higher education institutions that fall under the Texas State University System: Lamar University (Beaumont), Lamar Institute of Technology, Lamar State College – Orange, and Lamar State College – Port Arthur. Recent successes to lower tuition costs have substantially increased enrollments. Each institution has its own legislative priorities to keep up with demand for a quality higher education. Requests for the upcoming legislative session range from formula funding rate increases to capital funding for new buildings.
We don’t Play; We do BUSINESS!
As I stated in my remarks at the Chambers Annual Banquet, YOUR chamber doesn’t play. We don’t have parades, host casino nights, or have events that are not conducive to helping your business!
On behalf of myself, and the entire Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce Staff, I want to extend my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the 800 distinguished guests who attended our Annual Banquet. Your presence was not only a testament to your commitment to the growth and prosperity of our community but also a true reflection of the spirit of collaboration and mutual support that defines our region.
The Annual Banquet is a time for us to reflect on the progress we’ve made, the challenges we’ve faced, and the goals that still lie ahead. However, it is also an occasion to honor the individuals and organizations that help shape the future of Port Arthur. Each one of you, whether a long-time supporter, a new member, or a first-time attendee, plays an integral role in our collective success.
The sheer magnitude of 800 attendees at this year’s event speaks volumes about the vibrancy of our local business community. Your involvement signifies a shared vision for Port Arthur’s continued growth and the determination to make our region an even more thriving hub for innovation, opportunity, and prosperity. It’s your passion, energy, and dedication that keep Port Arthur moving forward, and for that, we are profoundly grateful.
It was incredibly inspiring to see so many familiar faces and to connect with so many new ones, all united in the common cause of building a stronger community. Whether you were there to support local businesses, learn about the latest developments, or simply celebrate the achievements of our region, your engagement was invaluable. Your presence helped make this year’s banquet a resounding success.
I also want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible partnerships that were highlighted during the event. The strength of any community lies in its ability to collaborate, and it is through these partnerships—between businesses, civic leaders, and residents—that we are able to accomplish so much. Together, we are creating a future that reflects the shared values of hard work, resilience, and unity. The Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce is more than just an organization, it reflects the incredible people who are dedicated to its mission. Each of you plays a vital role in shaping the future of Port Arthur, and for that, we are incredibly appreciative.
Joe Tant
Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce
03/24/25 | How to Turn Your Chamber Membership into a Marketing Machine |
01/31/25 | Golden Triangle Days in Austin 2025 Legislative Agenda |
01/30/25 | We do BUSINESS! |
12/30/24 | Support |
08/05/24 | 2024 Industry Show Magazine FlipBook |