Pathway to Success Luncheon
The Port Arthur Education Foundation held a sponsorship recognition luncheon for the career and Technical Education Programs for Port Arthur Independent School District and Lamar State College Port Arthur on May 6th 2021. Our keynote speakers included Congressman Randy Weber, Dr. Mark Porterie and Dr. Betty Reynard.
The Education Foundation Executive Director, Mr. Joe Tant presented the lifetime Education Award to, Mrs. Janet Cline for her numerous years of dedication to education in Port Arthur and for her tireless work in the upstart and creation of the Port Arthur Education Foundation. Mrs. Cline had no idea that she would be receiving this prestigious Award.
Dr. Betty Reynard, President of Lamar State College Port Arthur highlighted the ongoing programs and renovation that are ongoing on campus.
Dr. Mark Porterie, Superintendent of Port Arthur Independent School District noted the numerous successes attained in supporting virtual education during covid-19.
Wrapping up the program was U.S Congressman Randy Weber, who championed the Career and Technical Education Program in the United States Congress.
Approximately 300 people attended this amazing Pathway to Success Luncheon event and raised funds for scholarships for the students.
We had Event sponsors such as Golden Triangle Emergency Center, as well as many other companies, and we would like to thank them all for their support of the Foundation and our young students.
-Maria Zarate
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