Workforce Ambassador 2020 Annual Report
Mireya Perez
Paid Work Experience Cultivates Skills
Mireya Perez came to the Workforce Center for assistance after being laid off from the food industry. A young single mother with sole caregiver responsibility for her disabled child, Mireya needed assistance on her path to self-sufficiency. She also wanted to improve her work and communication skills and complete her post-secondary studies. With a recommendation from a friend, Mireya visited the Workforce Center and enrolled as an out-of-school youth in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) scholarship program.
The Workforce Career Specialist partnered with a local Chamber of Commerce to create a Paid Work position for Mireya. She was placed as an Administrative Assistance at $9.00 an hour. Mireya already possessed the skills to do Sign-Language which proved an asset to Chamber presentations. Additional duties assigned to Mireya at the Chamber allowed her to gain office and clerical skills, and technology skills. Mireya became instrumental in setting up and managing online meetings through various platforms, such as ZOOM.
During one online meeting, the Chamber president brought Mireya into the meeting, expressed appreciation for her valuable technical support, and encouraged other employers to utilize Workforce services, including the paid work experience program. After her paid work experience program ended, Mireya was hired by the Chamber.
Mireya, working for the Chamber, is now on the road to completing her post-secondary plans. With an increased level of confidence through her paid work experience, she has started her journey to develop a career. "This experience has motivated me and pushed me to go back to school and accomplish my goals," stated Perez. "I am thankful."
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